Travel to Podgorica? This is short story about it + Guide

Podgorica - Travel Guide
Visit, Explore, Enjoy 

CG: Pozdrav drugari, ja sam Aleksandar Šeter i osnivač sam Facebook zajednice Podgorica - Travel Guide. Želja za stvaranjem ovakve stranice se javila još ranijih godina i osim nekih ideja, kao što je ovaj blog nastao prije više od 5 godina, veći plan nisam sprovodio u djelo. Podgorica je jedan od najmanje posjećenih glavnih gradova u Evropi i često su vlogeri sa YouTube platforme imali zamjerke na sam grad a opet nijedan taj video ne prikazuje sve ljepote koje Podgorica ima da ponudi. Tu se stvorila moja želja da ovaj (moj) grad maksimalno  približim strancima, te im omogućim maksimalno zadovoljstvo prilikom posjete istom. Na ovom blog postu ćete pronaći sve linkove potrebne za maksimalan užitak i snalaženje bez teškoća u njemu.

EN: Hello friends, I am Aleksandar Šeter, the founder of the Facebook community "Podgorica - Travel Guide." The desire to create such a website emerged several years ago, and apart from some ideas, like this blog that was created over 5 years ago, I hadn't put the larger plan into action. Podgorica is one of the least visited capital cities in Europe, and YouTubers often had criticisms about the city, yet none of those videos truly showcase all the beauty Podgorica has to offer. This led to my wish to bring this city closer to foreigners and provide them with the utmost satisfaction during their visit. In this blog post, you will find all the necessary links for a maximum enjoyment and smooth navigation through it.



Podgorica (Подгорица) literally means "[area] below Gorica". Gorica, meaning "little hill", is the name of one of the cypress-covered hillocks that overlooks the city center.


How to read our name:

Podgorica is written in Cyrillic as Подгорица, pronounced [pǒdɡoritsa];
UK: /ˈpɒdɡɒrɪtsə, pɒdˈɡɔːr-/,
US: /ˈpɒdɡəriːtsə, ˈpɔːdɡɒr-/;



The city was known as Titograd (Cyrillic: Титоград [tîtoɡraːd]) between 1946 and 1992 — in the period that Montenegro formed, as the part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY)


CG: Šta je to što možete posjetiti kod nas? Na ovom blog postu ćete pronaći sva ona mjesta od istorijskog, kulturološkog i sportskog značaja, ove lokacije nijesu plaćene reklame već prestavljaju istinski bitna mjesta. 

EN: What can you visit in our city? In this blog post, you will find all those places of historical, cultural, and sports significance. These locations are not paid advertisements but genuinely represent essential landmarks.


CG: Istražite našu pažljivo odabranu listu značajnih lokacija na Google Maps-u, koju dijelim sa vama:

EN: Explore our curated list of significant locations on Google Maps, which I'm sharing with everyone. Below this text, you will find the link to access it:


CG: U Podgoricu možete doći na više načina, naš grad je sa svijetom povezan aerodromom, autobuskom stanicom, kao i željeznicom. Takođe u nekim situacijama korištenjem autobusa ili voza možete doći i brodom. 

Centar grada je od aerodroma udaljen nekih 11km. Iako nedaleko od aerodroma postoji i željeznička stanica, taj vid prevoza bih preporučio samo avanturistima sobzirom da je sada na ljeto temperatura u hladovini preko 40°C a na suncu zna biti i preko 50°C. Sa aerodroma možete uzeti unaprijed dogovoreni Rent-a-car, možete tražiti vozilo i na samom aerodromu, te ispred aerodromske zgrade imate mnogo taksista iz raznih taksi preduzeća. 

EN: You can reach Podgorica in several ways, as our city is connected to the world through an airport, bus station, and railway. Additionally, in some situations, you can also come by boat, using buses or trains.

The city center is about 11km away from the airport. Although there is a train station not far from the airport, I would recommend this mode of transportation only for adventurers, as the summer temperatures in the shade can exceed 40°C, and in the sun, it can be over 50°C. From the airport, you can either pre-arrange a Rent-a-car service, look for a vehicle at the airport itself, or find many taxi drivers from various taxi companies right in front of the airport building. 


CG: Ako ste se odlučili da vozom dođete do Podgorice, to možete uraditi iz tri smjera, iz Bara (Sutomore - Virpazar - Golubovci - Aerodrom), iz Nikšića i iz Beograda (Bijelo Polje - Mojkovac - Kolašin). Željeznički prevoz je veoma jeftin u Crnoj Gori a red vožnje možete pogledati na ovom sajtu:

EN: If you have decided to come to Podgorica by train, you can do so from three directions: from Bar (Sutomore - Virpazar - Golubovci - Airport), from Nikšić, and from Belgrade (Bijelo Polje - Mojkovac - Kolašin). Train transportation is very affordable in Montenegro, and you can check the schedule on this website:


CG: Na ovom websajtu je primjećeno da za željezničku liniju možete kupovati karte za prvi i drugi razred, moram napomenuti da u lokalnom saobraćaju nijesam primjetio da naš prevoznik ima prvi razred u svojim vozovima.

Takođe u Podgoricu i van nje možete stići i autobusima. Autobusi dolaze iz svih pravaca i odlaze u sve pravce. Sa cijenama se možete upoznati na sajtu:

EN: On this website, it has been noticed that you can purchase tickets for first and second class on the train line, but I must mention that I haven't noticed our local transport provider having a first-class option in their trains.

Additionally, you can also reach Podgorica and travel outside the city by buses. Buses arrive from and depart to all directions. You can familiarize yourself with the prices on the website


CG: Kroz Podgoricu su takođe dostupne i gradske autobuske linije, u zavisnosti od prevoznika koji održava liniju autobusi mogu biti dostupni na svakih 15 minuta.

EN: In Podgorica, there are also city bus lines available. Depending on the carrier maintaining the route, buses can be available every 15 minutes.


CG: Osim pješice, iznajmljenim automobilom ili autobusom, naš grad možete obići i na električnim trotinetima. Preduzeće HOP je u saradnji sa našim gradom postavila trotinete na više lokacija. Tačne lokacije kao i aplikacije potrebne za upravljanje ovim trotinetima možete pronaći na ovom linku:

 EN: Apart from walking, renting a car, or taking the bus, you can also explore our city on electric scooters. The company HOP, in cooperation with our city, has placed scooters at various locations. You can find the exact locations, as well as the necessary applications for managing these scooters, on this link:


Visit, Explore, Enjoy - Podgorica


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